TECDOS Tool Mover by RUD
The factory floor is a busy place. There are huge machines humming, large equipment that must be hauled from one place to another, and delicate tools that must be placed just right to ensure that their accuracy and precision are not compromised. Add to it the fact that operator safety is an important consideration for every business, it is clear that a tool mover is a necessary piece of equipment for the manipulation of devices, and the safe turning and tilting of heavy equipment such as plastic injection molding tools.

Presenting the Tecdos-Tool Mover by RUD:
The Tecdos Tool-Mover is built keeping movement in mind. It offers many safety and handling advantages to ensure that tilting of heavy molding tools is done safely and correctly. There is a frequency controlled driver for careful turning of large and expensive equipment so that the transition from one angle to another is exceptionally smooth and free of jerks and bumps.
The tool mover manipulates the tools placed on its surface at the center of gravity. This means that there is very little chance of equipment slipping and damaging itself as well as the machine operator or the factory floor. It is also able to turn heavy dies, molds and tools by 90 degrees starting from 6.3 metric tons. Since the surface of the mover is smooth and of a comfortable height, operators and workers can use it to clean and fine tune tools.

This latest offering from RUD doesn’t need to be bolted to the floor, and is offered in multiple models with load capacities of 10t, 16t, or 32t depending on the system chosen.
The Tecdos Tool-Mover reduces chances of damage to expensive tools, equipment and apparatus. There are no accidental bumps or jerking involved. Operators can turn heavy molds and dies using the control panel and need to intervene only when they have to attach the equipment to cranes or forklifts. Their on floor safety is greatly improved.
The mover is low maintenance, low noise and user friendly. It is all set to change the way equipment is manipulated and used, ensuring the longevity of tools and fewer incidents of factory mishaps.
Visit our website for a full look at all of the products we offer, and contact us here to discuss the best Tecdos Tool-Mover option to fit your needs.