Tecdos Tool Mover

Tecdos Tool Mover Upender for Safety
The Tool-Mover offers many safety and handling advantages ensuring that the handling and tilting of heavy and sensitive injection moulding tools are moved safely and securely therefore reducing costs due to damaged tools and improving the safety of the operator.
Benefits of the Tecdos Tool Mover
Do you know these hazards?
High risk for operators
Possible damages to the costly tools and the hall floor
Damage to the crane breaks and rope
Tecdos Tool Mover was developed for the safe and trouble-free tilting of injection mold tools.
Which solution does our system offer you?
User-friendly and easy operation
Low-noise and smooth rum (proofed in the entertainment indusdry)
Robust construction (> 20.000 tilting processes)
Low maintenance
For different tool sizes
Different options selectable (suited to your request)
Flexible deployable (can be moved by crane or fork lift)
The innovative Tool Mover is one of RUD’s latest innovations, a manipulation device, or upender, for the safe turning and tilting of heavy equipment, such as plastic injection molding tools.
Tecdos Brochure
Robert is responsible for the business development and sales for both the TECDOS Chain Drive products and the Tool Mover (material up ender) in the North American Market