RUD's RFID Technology
The development of the RFID (Radio-Frequency – Identification Technology) was customer driven based on their need for decreasing the amount of time that they spend on inspections. Inspections and documentation of lifting equipment must be performed on a regular basis; most inspections are done manually, which can be very time consuming and often includes filling out lots of paper work. One of the leading concerns of traditional inspection practices is that some steps or safety checks can be missed.
Our goals are to help our customers improve product tracking and make it easier to fulfill legal requirements, as well as any internal company standards and processes. The RFID system not only speeds up the inspection process, but the data is stored on your computer using a web based program that will send alerts when a product is due for an inspection.

First, we wanted to address the needs of our customers. The new RFID technology guarantees that chains, sling components and other equipment can be effortlessly and quickly identified without errors. The embeded RFID chip can be tracked using the RUD-ID-EASY-CHECK® reader and that information transfers to the RUD-ID-NET® web application. There is no software to purchase, and no updates necessary since it is a web based program.
The use of the RFID technology will decrease downtime because it speeds up the inspection process, and provides a means of more accurate data, saving the company both time and money. The RUD RFID system will let the customer know when the next inspection is due and it ensures that no prodcuts are missed for its yearly inspection. The system tracks each item and will inform the inspector when the item needs to be replaced. We wanted to design a unique identifiaction system that can easily fit into steel and while being reisitant to harsh conditions, such as dirt, mud and water. Our technology is also an “open system“, meaning that the chip also allows it to be used in all external components (ladders, fire extinguishers, etcetra.) and is compatible with other tags or readers of the same frequency.
RUD RFID technology ensures that inspections are adhered to guarantees that your products are up to date and meet the required local, state and national safety standards. A company can quickly pull up its records and track its inventory, saving the company valuable time and resouces. This technology will give the end user the ability to streamline their inspection process and track what has been inspected and the location of each item in their inventory. RFID technology has taken the old, time consuming and sometimes unreliable methods of documentation and prodcut management into the 21st centrury. It also provides a more detailed and complete history of a lifting system.
Although RFID technology has been around for years and we are not the first to adopt the technology, we are the first to embed the chips into the product. The development of the RUD RFID technology took about 4 years, although the development of the technology will never end as we continuously receive input from our customers. We will able to integrate new ideas quickly because we use a web-based program. All users will have the latest updates and versions by the next time they LOGIN to the RUD-ID-NET® software program.
RUD’s RFID technology is only recently been introduced to the industrial lifting systems industry, but it will be a technology that will only continue to grow. As businesses realize its capabilities and benefits, the RFID technology will start to be adopted as an industry standard.
How has this new technology been received?
Companies were very impressed that we are one of the first manufacturers to embed the chips into our products. Our current customers like it because they can just buy their applications with the chips already embedded. Our customers also really liked the simplicity of it, and the fact that it reduces wasted time….and most importantly, it guarantees safety.
Using the RFID technology will change how companies do their inspections and product management. As we stated before, clients will definitely benefit for the RFID technology as it will save time, man power and money. Using RFID technology will help prevent mistakes or missed steps, therefore decreasing the chances of safety breaches and accidents. Safety is the most important and valuable benefit, but using a RFID system also improves product management, documentation, and the accuracy of the tracking and inspection processes.

All of the RUD lifting systems products will come with the RFID technology already embedded, but it is up to the customer if they want to utilize the technology. If, and when, they are ready to start using a more modern way of managing their equipment, all RUD products will already be ready for them to incorporate into their selected system since as long, as it uses the same frequency. The data can be scanned and uploaded to software programs, such as Excel.
Find out more about RUD's RFID technology here: