Don't Wait Until an Accident Happens to Care About What Type of Lifting Point to Use!
One of the most commonly used pieces of rigging equipment is the eye bolt. Most riggers will choose the standard eye bolt because it is often the least expensive option available for lifting points. Unfortunately, the rigger either fails to realize that the standard eye bolt has limitations when it comes to lifting, especially if the lift is not a straight, vertical lift. Although the eye bolt is much cheaper than many alternatives, such as a swivel hoist ring, or swivel eye bolt, the standard eye bolt can actually be more costly in other ways if not used correctly.
No matter what type of lifting point that the rigger chooses to use, it is imperative that the user reviews and understands the operating guidelines before attaching it to a load. First, it is important that the rigger know the weight of the load, as well as the lifting capacity of the lifting point before performing a lift. Second, the rigger must closely follow the specifications and requirements for all equipment and rigging accessories used. It is critical that the rigger does not exceed the lifting capacity specified by the manufacturer as it may lead to equipment failure and safety issues.
Third, the rigger must also be mindful of the angle of the lift, and evaluate the load stability by calculating the center of gravity with respect to the lifting points. This is an important step, as eye bolts are only designed to lift at a straight, vertical pull, and if lifted at an angle the lifting capacity diminishes quickly. For example, an eyebolt rated for 2,000 pounds in a vertical plane only has a rating of 400 pounds (20 percent) at a 45-degree angle, and only 300 pounds (15 percent) at a 90-degree angle. This also assumes the eye of the bolt remains fixed and shouldered to the load, which often is not the case.

For any lift that requires a load to be lifted at an angle, a swivel load ring should be used. A swivel hoist ring or swivel eye bolt, such as the RUD VRS StarPoint® are more expensive than the traditional eyebolt, but the benefits greatly outweigh the cost. Swivel hoist rings, and the VRS StarPoint® have been designed to rotate 360° which allows them to turn with the direction of the pull, which is not possible with a standard or shoulder eye bolt. Because lifting points with swivel capabilities are designed to rotate in the direction of the lift, thus eliminating many of the issues that afflict the standard eye bolt. In fact, a swivel hoist ring is a perfect solution to prevent accidents and injuries due to eye bolt failures.
Although the swivel hoist ring does have many advantages, there are some safety practices that are important for both types of lifting points. The rigger must follow the user instructions provided by the manufacturer, as well as inspect the lifting point prior to each use. If the lifting point is permanently fixed, or is inaccessible for frequent inspections, the user needs to perform periodic inspections to ensure that there is no damage or wear visible.
Bending or damage to the load ring can occur in either the eye bolt, or any lifting point if the item is not properly seated and flush against the surface on which they bear. Once secure, the user will need to ensure that the lifting point is tightened per the manufacturer’s specifications, thus preventing damage to the lifting point during a lift. If the eye bolt, or load ring shows any visible damage, such as: excessive nicks, pitting, or corrosion; bent, stretched, or distorted components, excessive thread wear; evidence of unauthorized modifications; missing or unreadable load rating or manufacturer’s information, it should be removed from service immediately.
As safety becomes more of a concern for riggers and manufacturer’s, making smart decisions about every piece of equipment used becomes more important, because the lives and safety of the employees depend on it. More and more riggers are choosing the swivel hoist ring or swivel eye bolt as an alternative to the eye bolt; by using a lifting point that can adjust to the direction of the lift the rigger eliminates the chance of many issues that plague the standard eye bolt. It is best not to wait until an accident happens before caring about the safety of the employees, and it can be as simple as using the right lifting point.