How are you going to lift that?
Many times throughout the manufacturing process it is necessary to move a piece of equipment, machinery or material to the next manufacturing process or shipping. The first question that should come up is how are we going to make our pick? We must make sure that we are using the safest means possible.
No matter if you are using nylon, wire rope or chain to make your pick, the thought process will start or end with the lifting point. It is very important to make sure there are holes to bolt the lifting point into or there is a place to attach the welded lifting points.
Once we decide on whether to bolt or weld our lifting point, we will need to decide the weight of our piece. This is very important due to the fact that this will determine the size and the number of points you will need to use. If you are unsure of your weight you may need to consult with your engineering department to calculate the weight. It is always best to caution on the heavy side and use a bigger lifting point than might be necessary. Other important factors to consider are:
Are the lifting points on the same plane or will my load be unsymmetrical? If so do I need to think about a shortening device on my sling?
What direction will my load be pulled in? Is the lifting point I wish to use able to be pulled in the direction that we are going to lift from?
Are there any obstructions on my work piece that I may need to compensate for?

After answering these questions you should be confident that the lifting points will be suitable for your lift. If you are unsure always ask a lifting professional before making your lift.