Further development of the approved RUD-ID-System®
Press information
RUD Ketten
Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG
73432 Aalen/Germany
The market leader in terms of safe lifting, RUD-Ketten, now offers for nearly all work equipment, subject to tests, an again improved and more simple system allowing to identify, register and administer them in a contact-free, error-free and fast way, based upon the RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification). The RUD>ID<SYSTEM® comprises the elements RUD>ID<POINTs® (resp. the various attached variants), the reading devices and the web application ((RUD-ID-NET®).
The RUD-Transponders (RUD>ID<POINTS®) allow the distinct identification of a work equipment, either by a direct attachment of the transponder to the component itself (suspension link, hook or shortening element) or by attaching/bolting using the RUD-ID-TAGs® (tag or label).
The RUD>ID<POINTS® are available in sizes 8x3.25mm, 4x3.5mm and as RUD-ID-TAG® The new transponder variant (RUD-ID-Link), a bending link with directly integrated transponder, offers a quick and robust refit possibility for any kind of assemblies or other extremely loaded components.

The relevant RUD-ID-EASY-CHECK® reading devices allow the simple readout of the identification number unique in the world and the transmission to the RUD own web application (RUD-ID-NET®).
These three combined basic elements which can also be used individually pave the way for documentation and administration of work equipment versus an up-to-date, digital era. The „core piece“ of this up-to-date technology is the pink-coloured RUD>ID<POINT® (13.56 MHz) in the required diameter of 4 or 8 mm (photo 1).
These RUD>ID<POINTS® even withstand the hardest conditions such as open-cast mining, long-term tests in sandblasting barrels, tests with aggressive pit water, applications in salty water and extreme temperature applications at so far un-reached temperatures of -80°C up to +270°C as well as breaking- and fatigues tests.
Each of the RUD>ID<POINTS® have been provided with an unique identification number all over the world. This individual number can be read out by different reading devices, e.g. the RUD-ID-EASY-CHECK® via USB-connection at the PC/laptop (photo 2). There are available further reading variants where the number is directly read via a LCD display or can be transmitted via Bluetooth to the laptop directly. As an alternative, the read out data can be transmitted to various data base- or office systems (e.g. Access, SAP, WORD, EXCEL etc.). It goes without saying that all metal parts of the standard building sector as well as die shop and engineering can be refit with these robust chips and registered.
For the first time, the new RUD-ID-BETTER-CHECK“ (photo 3) is presented. There is thus a third reading device variant (made in Germany) for capturing and reading of the ID number. By this reading device weighing 36 grams only, the only 4 and 8 mm small chips can be even better read out in metal.
The RUD-ID-NET® application approved for years, has been put to a new level thanks to customers’ encouragements and practical empirical values in terms of handling, speed and convenience.
A considerably improved handling of the application by an intelligent user guidance, a clear menu structure and reduction of the functions to the essential are only some points which characterize the new release of the RUD-ID-NET®. Another points leading to a considerable improvement are the import function of old excel check lists, the possibility of an offline test and the multilingualism of the application.
Another particularity of the RUD-ID-NET® application is that for all components serially provided with RFID, many customer-relevant and basic information, such as type of components / SWL / manufacturer / technical information / drawings / user manuals and other criteria have already clearly been assigned. Thus, a time-consuming, manual capture and adding of data will not be required any longer (photo 4)!

The user of the RUD-ID-NET® application will also be in a position to quickly annex his RUD components refit with RFID to the relevant product information allowing a considerable reduction of time, too.

Thanks to a big, permanently expandable product data base, all foreign products can be accepted and refit without any problems. Products already registered can simply be taken out of the data base.
Thanks to a permanent expansion and improvement of the RUD>ID<SYSTEMs®, there can actually, besides to sling- and lashing mans of any kind (chains, synthetics, ropes), many other working means subject to tests (e.g. cross bars, ladders, doors, fire extinguishers, tools, etc) be identified, administered and tested (photo 5).